The Drive to Achieve Personality: Dabrowski’s Third Factor in Context
One of Kazimierz Dabrowski’s students explains the workings of the third factor of development and compares it to other frameworks.
Bill Tillier studied with Kazimierz Dabrowski from 1976 to 1980 while working on his Master of Science at the University of Alberta. He worked as a forensic psychologist for over 20 years before developing inclusion body myositis. In 1995, he created the website, which he maintains to this day; he also published a book on Dabrowski’s theory in 2018, as well as a book on inclusion body myositis in 2022. He lives in Calgary with his wife, Angela, and his caregivers, Rene and Nancy.
One of Kazimierz Dabrowski’s students explains the workings of the third factor of development and compares it to other frameworks.