
Category Archives: Positive Disintegration

  1. The Drive to Achieve Personality: Dabrowski’s Third Factor in Context

    One of Kazimierz Dabrowski’s students explains the workings of the third factor of development and compares it to other frameworks.

  2. Navigating the Hypersensitive Seas

    Richard Dawkins and Scott Barry Kaufman are both seeing what our editor in chief is seeing: a shift in culture that it’s up to us to resist.

  3. School Reimagined: Introducing Buckminster College

    Alumni of the postgraduate School of Thinking wondered why they didn’t learn this stuff earlier. A new school for the gifted is launching to save the next generation some time and trouble.

  4. A Spiritual Journey

    Spiral Dynamics, argues the co-leader of Third Factor’s new spiritual development group, offers a framework for making sense of positive disintegration — as he illustrates through his own experience of disintegrating out of his own fundamentalist church’s hierarchy of values.

  5. When You’re Maladjusted to Maladjustment

    How could anyone possibly be maladjusted to a school that’s all about “being yourself?”

  6. Reframing My Struggles with ADHD

    Christina Waggaman was diagnosed with ADHD in high school. But there was more to her psychologist’s evaluation that didn’t interest her–until she started to run into the limits of that diagnostic frame.

  7. Can You Change? The Purpose of the Third Factor

    Neurodivergence is all the rage, especially in creative circles. But, contrary to some people’s expectations, that construct is well beyond the point of this site, if it’s even useful at all.

  8. Lessons From My “Are You My People?!” World Tour

    After an unmirrored youth and alienation in her early career led her to a positive disintegration, Hannah Klein set out to find a community with whom she actually clicked. Starting from scratch, she shares what she’s learned about finding healthy, positively adjusted friends.

  9. Through Chaos, Toward Community

    When there are rules and taboos that prevent true fellowship, is there a path out of this stifling pseudo-community? Ralph Rickenbach blends the insights of M. Scott Peck and Kazimierz Dabrowski to navigate through the chaos.

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