
Adam Carrington, Contributor

Adam lives and works in the Baltimore area where he participates in a house church, enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, and appreciates learning from others with deep knowledge. His creative outlet manifests in projects ranging from cutting boards to a self-designed and built cabin.

Articles by Adam Carrington

  1. Buffered or Porous: Recalibrating Our Mental Filters

    With our modern minds, we’ve grown used to having walls between us and virtually everyone else—except for a few places where the world pours through our buffers and overwhelms us.

    How can we recalibrate? Adam Carrington offers ideas on how we might find balance and growth.

  2. Where True Poverty Resides

    When Adam Carrington, a practicing Christian, finds his well of patience for a fellow member of his church running dry, a core tenet of his faith takes on a more profound meaning.