
Tag Archives: Relationships & Belonging

  1. Dear Autism: When a Label Is Wrong

    Margo Margan was diagnosed with autism when she was seven years old, in an effort to make her eligible for some extra services.

    But, as it took her years of struggle to realize, she never needed those services in the first place.

  2. Lessons From My “Are You My People?!” World Tour

    After an unmirrored youth and alienation in her early career led her to a positive disintegration, Hannah Klein set out to find a community with whom she actually clicked. Starting from scratch, she shares what she’s learned about finding healthy, positively adjusted friends.

  3. Through Chaos, Toward Community

    When there are rules and taboos that prevent true fellowship, is there a path out of this stifling pseudo-community? Ralph Rickenbach blends the insights of M. Scott Peck and Kazimierz Dabrowski to navigate through the chaos.

  4. Dealing with Detractors: How to Protect Your Equanimity

    When you engage publicly, there will be a lot of people who want you to shut up—and occasionally, one will go to great lengths to make it happen.

    Based on her own experience, therapist Stephanie Winn shares her thoughts on how to maintain equanimity when a detractor is playing by different rules.

  5. What Skills Do We Need for Community?

    What skills do we need to contribute to healthy communities? Author Neil Barnes has teased out five foundational abilities.

  6. Your Body as a Barometer for Belonging

    Fitting in is merely a simulacrum of belonging—but your body can tell what’s real and what isn’t. Pay attention to the signals it gives you.

  7. Getting Unstuck: Countering Polarization with Cognitive Flexibility

    Stuckness, says Dr. Mike Brooks, is at the root of both his clients’ anxiety and depression and our political polarization.

    So how do we get unstuck? In this interview, we chat about cognitive flexibility, the importance of relationships, and how it all unfolds on social media.

  8. Where True Poverty Resides

    When Adam Carrington, a practicing Christian, finds his well of patience for a fellow member of his church running dry, a core tenet of his faith takes on a more profound meaning.

  9. Class, Luck, and the Outlier’s Quest for Belonging

    Whether unusual people find the companions they need often comes down to luck—from being born into the right socioeconomic class to landing in the right career field.

    In this interview, P. Susan Jackson talks to us about what her gifted clients tend to do when they don’t find people who click with them, what they can do instead, and how luck can shift for better and for worse over the course of life.

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