Episode 3: Maladjusted to Gen Z’s Maladjustment with Margo Margan
Jessie / August 31, 2023
Gen Z’s not doing so hot. At least, that’s what it looks like from Margo Margan’s perspective, and that’s why she’s drawn to the theory of positive disintegration, at least as long as it doesn’t turn into yet another celebration of eggshell walking and (negative) maladjustment.
In this episode, Margo Margan talks about why she founded a group at Third Factor all about “Maladjustment to Maladjustment,” how her experience with a mental health misdiagnosis at an early age has influenced her trajectory, and a surprising place she’s found belonging.
Show Notes
- In the magazine: All of Margo’s articles
- At the forum: Third Factor’s Maladjustment to Maladjustment Group Profile
- At the forum: Third Factor’s Writers’ Circle Group Profile
- Margo’s WordPress site, with a link to her Discord server
- The book we’re discussing on September 17. 2023 is This Star Shall Abide by Sylvia Engdahl (also published as Heritage of the Star). You can get it here or as part of a trilogy. (Please note that these are sponsored links.)
- If you’d like to read more about the book first, here’s an article about it from an early issue of Third Factor Magazine.
- Theme music from TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™.
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