
All Articles

  1. The Path of the Agreeable Questioner: An Interview with Andrea Lynn Lewis

    Do you want to ask probing intellectual questions while also getting along with those who disagree with you?

    Andrea Lynn Lewis has a lot of practice with this balancing act. She shares her thoughts on echo chambers, brittle relationships, and striving to live up to her ideal.

  2. What’s Up at Third Factor

    There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, with a lot of new voices coming on board.

  3. Activating the Third Factor through Mind-Body Communion

    It’s great to have a powerful intellect—but not so great to neglect the rest of your self.

    Somatic awareness coach Ilana Grostern explains how she healed the artificial split between her mind and her body to tap into a previously neglected source of knowledge.

  4. Third Factor Reads: The Genetic Lottery · Innate · The Cult of Smart

    How should we think about genetic inequity in social and educational policy? Rick Heller reviews three recent books on the subject with an eye to making society fair where inborn endowment is not.

  5. Why We Joined the Institute for Liberal Values

    We’re proud to team up with an organization that shares our values of free expression, critical thinking, civic engagement, and humility.

  6. Gothic Childhoods

    Fantasy novelist Karen Nilsen reflects on how good parenting—and the emotional honesty of stories like Hans Christian Andersen’s—shielded her from her grandmother’s pathological narcissism.

    But are children today getting the same preparation? Or are our mermaids too watered down?

  7. What is Positive Maladjustment?

    There’s an easy answer and a much harder one.

    We’ll give you the quick and easy explanation of Dabrowski’s idea of positive maladjustment. Then we’ll talk about all that goes into truly learning to answer this question.

  8. A Glamorous Hell

    More and more of us are thinking of trying self-employment. Freelancer Morgan Grace Milburn debunks the simplistic narratives about this path to help you figure out if you really should make the leap.

  9. Gender and the Square Peg

    When a quirky kid goes online to ask whether she might be trans, the algorithms aren’t going to give her any alternatives to consider. That’s a problem that this magazine’s mission demands that we address.

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