
Tag Archives: The Active Mind

  1. Abstract Intensity in the Ideological Classroom

    Marie loved helping her abstract intense students hone their ability to question and reason in pursuit of a better world. Then a new political trend hit, making school less friendly to questioners than she’s ever seen it.

  2. Dear Autism: When a Label Is Wrong

    Margo Margan was diagnosed with autism when she was seven years old, in an effort to make her eligible for some extra services.

    But, as it took her years of struggle to realize, she never needed those services in the first place.

  3. white clouds
    Are You Abstract Intense?

    To reach those who need it, it would be useful to have a neutral, descriptive synonym for the word “gifted.” Here’s my suggestion.

  4. The Path of the Agreeable Questioner: An Interview with Andrea Lynn Lewis

    Do you want to ask probing intellectual questions while also getting along with those who disagree with you?

    Andrea Lynn Lewis has a lot of practice with this balancing act. She shares her thoughts on echo chambers, brittle relationships, and striving to live up to her ideal.

  5. Gender and the Square Peg

    When a quirky kid goes online to ask whether she might be trans, the algorithms aren’t going to give her any alternatives to consider. That’s a problem that this magazine’s mission demands that we address.

  6. Dysphoria and Disintegration in Women Who Are “Too Much”

    Katherine knew she was uncommon. When she turned to the Internet to find people like her, they told her that was because a personality like hers did not belong in a female body.

    Then she happened upon an alternative perspective—one that her fellow uncommon women should have been making clearer to her all along.

  7. Class, Luck, and the Outlier’s Quest for Belonging

    Whether unusual people find the companions they need often comes down to luck—from being born into the right socioeconomic class to landing in the right career field.

    In this interview, P. Susan Jackson talks to us about what her gifted clients tend to do when they don’t find people who click with them, what they can do instead, and how luck can shift for better and for worse over the course of life.

  8. The Dodo and the Ancient Poet

    Once, there were more of the author’s kind.

    Are they truly all gone?

  9. Resilience: From the Roots to the Branches

    What stops a bright, intense, gifted person from blossoming? The Daimon Institute’s Sue Jackson sits down with us to talk about the hurdles her clients often face—and how they can begin to put out the roots they need to bloom.

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