
Category Archives: Issue 7: Creating the Self

  1. Third Factor’s First Anniversary Update Where We Stand, Where We're Going

    Greetings, loyal readers and new visitors!  The fireworks are not…

  2. Self-Creation After Chaos: An Interview with Lotte van Lith

    Chaos around her and intensity within her led the teenage Lotte van Lith to an eating disorder. Now, having recovered and reintegrated, she helps gifted people express their intensity with self-compassion—and let loose their incredible creativity in the process.

  3. How Overexcitabilities Manifest Through Your Voice

    Voice coach Laura Stavinoha can hear your overexcitability in your voice—and she can tell whether it’s empowering you or leaving you vulnerable.

  4. Creativity as a Collective Activity

    Krystyna Laycraft tells the story of founding a school in Poland after the collapse of Communism, showcasing the role of individual choices within meaningful relationships.