
Category Archives: Finding Your Tribe

  1. The Incorrigible Questioner and the Search for Spiritual Belonging

    Is there a place for an incorrigible questioner in a church?

    Our editor in chief, who is not temperamentally inclined to faith, looks for some way to tap into the wisdom and belonging that some of her favorite people have found in organized religion.

  2. On Certain Modern Writers and the Institution of the Family

    The common defence of the family is that, amid the stress and fickleness of life, it is peaceful, pleasant, and at one. But there is another defence of the family which is possible, and to me evident; this defence is that the family is not peaceful and not pleasant and not at one.

  3. Intergenerational Friendship: Views from Both Sides

    Max’s older friends stood out in memories from his twenties, but only once he reached his forties did he realize how important cross-age friendship truly is—to both parties.

  4. Dear Autism: When a Label Is Wrong

    Margo Margan was diagnosed with autism when she was seven years old, in an effort to make her eligible for some extra services.

    But, as it took her years of struggle to realize, she never needed those services in the first place.

  5. Lessons From My “Are You My People?!” World Tour

    After an unmirrored youth and alienation in her early career led her to a positive disintegration, Hannah Klein set out to find a community with whom she actually clicked. Starting from scratch, she shares what she’s learned about finding healthy, positively adjusted friends.

  6. Through Chaos, Toward Community

    When there are rules and taboos that prevent true fellowship, is there a path out of this stifling pseudo-community? Ralph Rickenbach blends the insights of M. Scott Peck and Kazimierz Dabrowski to navigate through the chaos.

  7. What Skills Do We Need for Community?

    What skills do we need to contribute to healthy communities? Author Neil Barnes has teased out five foundational abilities.

  8. Your Body as a Barometer for Belonging

    Fitting in is merely a simulacrum of belonging—but your body can tell what’s real and what isn’t. Pay attention to the signals it gives you.

  9. white clouds
    Are You Abstract Intense?

    To reach those who need it, it would be useful to have a neutral, descriptive synonym for the word “gifted.” Here’s my suggestion.

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