
Category Archives: Issue 11: A Look in the Mirror

  1. Transcending Labels: An Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman

    Scott Barry Kaufman knows a lot about the labels bright, quirky people often stick upon themselves. In this interview with Third Factor’s editor in chief, he suggests we might be missing something much more important.

  2. Third Factor Reads: Transcend by Scott Barry Kaufman

    Abraham Maslow extended a hand to Scott Barry Kaufman as he strove to grow as a human being. In TRANSCEND, Kaufman now extends that hand to us.

  3. Dabrowski’s Dynamisms: Subject-Object in Oneself

    Dynamisms are the heart of the theory of positive disintegration. But what exactly did Dabrowski mean by that abstruse term, “subject-object in oneself?” Our editor explains this powerful process.

  4. From Hiding HSP to Gifted Leader: An Interview with Imi Lo

    Emotional sensitivity and intensity can be a gift, but only if you’ve learned how to manage it. Imi Lo of Eggshell Therapy and Coaching shares her thoughts on how to stop hiding from the world and from your own emotions, overcome toxic shame, and make your best effort to find belonging.

  5. Journey to the East: An Expat’s Disintegration, Part I

    Max arrived in China as a listless if integrated young man. Then it gave him the chance to witness true moral courage, starting him on the path to positive disintegration.

  6. Escaping the Cage of Intellectualism

    Benita thought her intellect would keep her safe. Then it failed her spectacularly. Was she using it wrong – or was there something she was missing?