
Maxwell Olin Massa, Staff Writer

Maxwell Olin Massa is a novelist, policy droid, and former Chinese TV star.  His first book, House of Apollo, is available from Whisk(e)y Tit Books.

Articles by Maxwell Olin Massa

  1. Intergenerational Friendship: Views from Both Sides

    Max’s older friends stood out in memories from his twenties, but only once he reached his forties did he realize how important cross-age friendship truly is—to both parties.

  2. The Dodo and the Ancient Poet

    Once, there were more of the author’s kind.

    Are they truly all gone?

  3. To the Far Side of the Earth and Back: An Expat’s Disintegration, Part II

    After China sent Max into a spiral of positive disintegration, his return to the United States—and to crisis—ensured his moral transformation.

  4. Journey to the East: An Expat’s Disintegration, Part I

    Max arrived in China as a listless if integrated young man. Then it gave him the chance to witness true moral courage, starting him on the path to positive disintegration.

  5. Why a Novel? Long-Form Fiction as Catharsis for the Intellect

    Max Massa was desperate for a way to put overexcitable mind to use for the world—or, failing that, merely to connect with other people who cared ideas. Could he rely on his imagination to make the product of his intellect more meaningful to others?